Monday, June 26, 2006

Driving to Vegas

At this very moment, I'm in the I-10 (AZ Exit 318), driving toward Vegas !!!. Incredible I can be connected to the internet here with my verizon card. I have not played any poker at all in June, but I'm confident the WSOP will wake up my poker self. I'll be playing tomorrow Tuesday, Event #2 $1500 No Limit Holdem, in case you're in Vegas, I'll be at 11AM at the Starbucks inside the Rio Hotel and Casino, the one next to the restaurant Sao Paolo, just in case you want to say hi. Let's see how this experiment of not playing poker at all before the WSOP works. The WSOP is always super-exciting, to be honest, I'm excited to play; I have been really sick the last days, but hopefully tomorrow I'll be ok. See you over there !!!. I'll make some updates about the events here in the blog.


Schaefer said...

See you tomorrow, David. Good luck this month! (And next month)

Anonymous said...

Best of Luck!

Anonymous said...

Vamos siriooooooooooooo tu suerte esta por cambiar!

Anonymous said...

Time to man-up and put the downswing behind you bro. This is your time. This is what you live for, the competition, the swagger, the thrill of victory. Time to get jiggy wit it brother. God bless.


Anonymous said...

Sirio, Recientemente me sente a ver junto con mi esposa una partida de poker donde aparecia un tipo muy parecido a mi profesor de matematicas de la "Prepa del Chami 89-92", y al ver Cossio en la pantalla, inmediatamente dije "si es, es David Cossio". No sabes cuanto gusto me dio verte jugar este juego que tanto me gusta y creeme, senti ganas volver a recibir tus enseƱanzas(ahora de poker, no matematicas!!)... echale ganas... siempre has sido bueno en lo que haces...tu juego mejorara, yo lo se!! Suerte!!