Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My adventures as a sports bettor

So far they have been terrible, I started late last year and kind of seriously in February, and not counting Movie bets, I'm losing around 7k betting NBA, NCAA basketball, MLB, MMA, Box, well, almost everything. And I can't say I have been lazy, I've worked my ass trying to learn, reading books and all over the internet, comparing lines, shopping, finding arbitrages, everything, but it's just too hard. I'm about to give up on Sports, the only thing I've beaten so far is movie awards, I won around 6.5k between the Golden Globes and the Oscars. Basically I have won in the only events I have a good amount of knowledge. Following people with "knowledge" on other areas has been a disaster so far. So, until I have an amount of knowledge of baseball, basketball, MMA fighting and other sports at least comparable to my movie awards, I would be better off not betting at all. But I can't help it for now, I love sports and it's so much fun !!


laganza said...

Felicidades david por este ano creo mucho mejor al 2006, oye queria saber si jugaras el wsop de este ano o aunque sea intentar e n un satelite??????

Eduardo G

David (sirio11) said...

Gracias Eduardo, efectivamente este año ha estado mucho mejor. Si quiero jugar el WSOP y tratare de calificar en alguno de los satelites online.


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess your best bet is to stick with what you know and only try out one new type of betting at a time so you can dedicate the effort to learning it properly.

Best wishes and hope to see you at the WSOP!